
Joint Statement Regarding Dorsett Court and Admiral Court Apartment Evictions


April 30, 2018

Garden Court Community Association, Walnut Hill Community Association, Cedar Park Neighbors, Cobbs Creek Neighbors, and The Enterprise Center CDC were dismayed to hear the recent news about the deplorable attempts of the property owners of Dorsett Court at 4710 Locust Street and Admiral Court at 237 S 48th Street to evict tenants, seemingly without proper notice or just cause.

Our organizations share a common affinity for supporting the residents of this area of West Philadelphia, and for working together with our neighbors to help shape communities that are vibrant, safe, and welcoming for the diverse group of people that call this area home. To that end, we are voicing our support for the tenants of these respective apartment buildings, and our commitment to advocating for the following short- and long-term goals.

In respect to the particular circumstances surrounding these properties, the owners, and the tenants, we support the efforts of the tenants and partners to:

  • ensure that the tenants are treated fairly, allowed reasonable time for relocation, assisted with unforeseen moving costs, or allowed to stay in their apartments if possible,

  • hold the property owners accountable to follow proper procedures and regulations for the upkeep, management, and/or closure of the properties;

  • and hold any new buyer of the buildings accountable as responsible property owners and community members, or alternatively to assist in identifying prospective buyers who would be interested in renovating the properties and maintaining a degree of affordability at these sites.


  • In addressing some of the larger concerns this situation brings to light, we seek to work with community stakeholders, policy advocates, and city officials to:

  • support and protect the rights of both renters and homeowners to access safe, adequate, and affordable housing options;

  • enact policies that preserve existing affordable housing in our communities and encourage the inclusion of new affordable housing units within the larger redevelopment of this area;

  • and encourage developers, property owners, and property managers to be good neighbors and work with residents and stakeholders in the positive growth of communities that are accessible to people of different backgrounds and income levels.


  • We are encouraged by the efforts of Community Legal Services, Philadelphia Tenants Union, Tenant Union Representative Network, and other organizations to assist the tenants. We implore the current property owner and any future owner to act reasonably, responsibly, and within the law. And we appeal to our peer organizations and elected officials to rally in support of these members of our community.

Read more about the Dorsett Court and Admiral Court Apartment Evictions  here. 

Preservation Alliance Presentation

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On Monday, October 16th, we welcomed the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia to host their "Neighborhood Preservation Workshop" at our October Board Meeting. 

They presented an overview of historic preservation policies and the current extent of preservation protections in Cedar Park, highlighting some of the unprotected historic buildings found in our initial survey. They also listened to our neighbor's thoughts and concerns about preservation and development in the neighborhood.

Here is the link to resources as mentioned during the presentation:

Here are the slides used during the presentation. 

If you would like to get involved, email us at and we will connect you with other interested neighbors. 

ABOUT: The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the appreciation, protection, and appropriate re-use of our region’s historic buildings, communities, and landscapes. This year, the Alliance is undertaking a project to identify and inventory historic buildings in Philadelphia neighborhoods that are facing heightened development pressure.  For it to be truly successful, the project must be a collaboration of the Alliance, community-based organizations, and individual residents. We hope to get community input and feedback from the outset about those historic assets most prized by neighbors, those often overlooked, and those most threatened by demolition.