We hope you had a great year! We are sharing a slideshow of some highlights of our 2018! As we head into 2019, please also consider joining Cedar Park Neighbors as a member or renewing your annual membership, which runs with our fiscal (calendar) year.*
Membership dues are a critical source of funds to help CPN pay for:
Rent at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community. Our lease allows CPN to have public meetings at the Calvary throughout the year as a tenant with the additional benefit of supporting CCCC as a resource for the wider community.
Liability insurance for large public events as required by spaces/venues.
Maintaining our park with clean-up supplies and plants for the Parks committee plus daily supplemental cleanings from University City District.
*If you want to check your membership status or make sure you’re included in a current household membership, please email us!
$10 individual
$15 Household (2 persons or more)
$7 Senior, Student, or Unemployed
$30 Business
Alternately, you can fill out our membership form to mail in with a check.