You're Invited - FREE Community Dinner/Potluck Cabaret March 11th!


Friday, March 11th 6-8 p.m. at 5039 Baltimore Ave. Hosted at People's Baptist
You're invited to share a meal with your neighbors!

Please join Cedar Park Neighbors for our second Community Dinner of 2016! Basic healthy food will be provided. You are welcome to bring something to share!

You're Invited to Dinner!
Post Its
Share Your Ideas!

We'll have a brief moment of community announcements, as well as some boards for resource sharing, but the main purpose of this event is simply to create a neighborly space to share a meal with friends old and new who live in Cedar Park.

 Hope you can join us! - JJ Tizou, CPN Board Member & Dinner Organizer

P.S. Please RSVP by email , calling or texting CPN at 267-BALT-AVE or through our Facebook event page so that we know how much to cook!

If you'd like to help with setup or cleanup, please email  JJ or leave him a voicemail at 267-702-5464.