Are YOU interested in serving your community as a member of the board of Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN)? Are you a renter, homeowner or business owner? Are you a long-time resident or a recent transplant? People of color, women, men, trans and gender non-conforming people, queer people, people with disabilities, elders and young people are encouraged to run as we value diversity. If you live or work in Cedar Park and are dedicated to improving our community, please participate in your neighborhood board!

We’re looking for a few new members of the Board for two-year terms that start on June 1, 2016.

If you’re interested, please email David Hincher by Friday, March 25.

And please join us for elections at our annual meeting on Monday, April 18th at 7pm at the Calvary Center at 48th & Baltimore. (More details to come…)

CPN board

Responsibilities of Cedar Park Neighbors Board Members

Cedar Park Neighbors is the recognized community organization for the Cedar Park neighborhood. As representatives of the community and the organization, CPN Board Members behave in a responsible, accountable organization, promoting the general welfare of the community.  The basic responsibilities of a CPN Board Member are:

  • Participate in monthly two-hour CPN Board Meetings (usually held the 3rd Mondays of the month from 7:30-9:30pm at the Calvary Center at 48th & Baltimore.)
  • Join a Committee (Scholarship, Zoning, Holiday Basket, Jazz, Development Impact, Block Organizing, Membership, or start one that you feel is needed!)
  • Encourage neighbors and friends to join CPN and participate in CPN activities
  • Maintain your membership

Please note that in order to stand for election as a CPN board member or to vote in the elections, you need to be a current CPN member.  You can join (or rejoin) CPN by going to the following.