Board members attending:  Algernong Allen, Karen Allen, Monica Allison, Dorothy Welch Berlind, Michael Froehlich, David Hincher, Lisa Johanningsmeier, Shawn Markovich, Ray Murphy, Beverly Rouse, Saba Tedla, Ana Lisa Yoder.  

Board members with excused absence:  Sean Dorn, Meg Ferrigno, Laurie Friedman, Mavil Spence.


Board members absent:  Mahari Bailey, Theresa McCole Manzi, Sara Nissley, Marcus Presley, Courtney Walton.


Guests:  Seth Budick, UCD.

Michael opened the meeting at 7:45.  There were no minutes for October’s meeting due to the sprained wrist of the secretary.  Karen arrived later during the meeting and handed out the Treasurer’s Report, but due to lack of time it was neither reviewed nor approved.




Michael proposed that CPN cosponsor a series of home repair classes with the Tool Library.  CPN would be asked to advertise the classes and secure Calvary’s basement as the location.  Monica will follow up re the space with Ed Fell.  The Board approved this proposal.


Michael asked for volunteers for the Budget Committee; Monica, Shawn, Ana Lisa, Dorothy, Michael and Karen will serve.  The committee will meet on December 10 at 7:30 at Dorothy’s house.




Community Meeting November 8:  Monica reported that the meeting went well, good turnout, perhaps 35 people including some new faces.


Update on IRS status:  Michael reported that he continues to follow up on this with the IRS.


Grant Closeout:  Karen and Ana Lisa will discuss and report at the next meeting.


Working group on contributions to other organizations:  Saba reported that the group has not yet convened.


Survey on the future of CedarPark:  Ray handed out analysis of survey; some 500 people participated.  The Board discussed the implications of the results, and thanked Ray for his leadership on this.  The Development Impact Task Force will be responsible for the next steps.




Development Impact Task Force:  David reported that the Task Force has not met.  The Philly 2035 steering committee meeting will take place on December 3 and David will attend.  Michael and Algernong attended the November 13 public meeting on Philly 2035; the meeting was well attended by north of 100 people.


Scholarship Committee:  Dorothy reported for Laurie that the committee is gearing up to send care packages to our scholarship students during the first week of December.


Block Organizing:  Dorothy reported for Meg that the committee is focusing on the Block Leadership meeting in January.


Zoning:  Lisa reported that the dentist at 46th and Baltimore expanded into a property that is zoned residential; he has a permit but Cedar Park Point has filed an appeal.  The committee is supporting that appeal.  BartramGardens intends to develop a bike path near the old gypsum factory and needs support.  Michael reported that after the committee attended a hearing on the Councilwoman’s bill re RCO’s  Suzanne Banning Anderson sent a statement of our position.  Michael email copies to Board.


Communications and Membership:  Marcus not attending the meeting.


Jazz:  Monica reported that we have received a grant from the Commonwealth for $1500.00 for jazz.


Park Improvement:  Monica reported that CPN received a donation from Leah Pillsbury of Mariposa of $250.00.


Holiday Baskets:  Dorothy reported for Joanne and Victoria that the solicitation letters will go out just after Thanksgiving; an information piece and request for support was also included in the community wide newsletter distribution.




Welcome to the Neighborhood:  Bev reported on this meeting organized by the 48th Street Neighbors and shared handouts with the Board.


West Philadelphia HS:  Bev attended a public meeting sponsored by the School District on the future of the old West building.  Although a final decision has not been made, it appears likely that the building will become residential with retail on the first floor.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.


Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Welch Berlind, Secretary