Philly Spring Clean Up in Cedar Park! Saturday, April 9th
Saturday, April 9th
9:30 AM – Noon
49th & Baltimore
It’s time to wake up Cedar Park and we need volunteers to help clean and green. Can you give an hour to help with pruning, planting and general clean up? Let us know you are coming so we can plan accordingly (RSVP to Maureen Tate) or come at last minute if you are able!
Love your park - Cedar Park!!
The playground looks great!
Now its time to focus on the garden beds and we hope you might like to help.
This Saturday is the annual citywide Love Your Park event which will take place in Cedar Park from 10 am - 1 pm. We will focus on waking up the gardens: weeding, pruning roses, trimming liriope, mulching tree pits and garden beds.
Bring pruners if you have them. We will have other tools and gloves. Children are welcome.
Hope to see you on Saturday
Cedar Park Clean Up - Sat. April 2
Saturday, April 2 · 10:00am - 12:00pm Cedar Park Neighbors is hosting a CleanUp in the the park on April 2 at 10:00-12:00. This event is part of a larger city wide effort to spring clean public spaces and is part of the City Streets Department's, fourth annual Phillly Spring Cleanup.
Come out and meet your neighbors, friends, and other users of Cedar Park
CPN will provide FREE coffee, juice and snacks. UCD will provide tools and gloves, The West Philadelphia Cooperative School is also providing snacks.
PLEASE join us clean up our beloved neighborhood park and help to get it ready for full spring bloom!
47th St. Triangle Dedication - You're Invited
Mark Your Calendars!
Cedar Park 2010 Garden Workshop Series Continues:
August 19 - Fabulous Fall Containers October 7 - Putting the Garden to Bed
47th Street Triangle Dedication - 7/27
The following is a note from Joe McNulty of the UCD inviting neighbors to the dedication ceremony for the newly relandscaped traffic triangle at 47th and Baltimore. See you there._____________________________________________________
Hello Baltimore Ave! You may have noticed that the work on the 47th street triangle is complete. Well, we would like to have a small celebration to thank all of those who were involved in transforming the triangle at 47th and Baltimore on July 27 at 4:00 p.m.
We are very pleased with the outcome of the reconstruction of the triangle. Where there was once a broken concrete island that served as a loading zone for delivery trucks, there is now a much larger footprint, a landscaped area that covers most of the island, and new trees that will provide beautiful blooms in the spring. The enlarged triangle and pavers along the 47th Street edge provide safer crossings for pedestrians. We have received several accolades from nearby residents, including from one who said that it “gives the intersection and the buildings around its perimeter a totally different feel and really makes the neighborhood look a lot more inviting.”
One of the best outcomes of the triangle is the relationships it enabled us to build and strengthen with a variety of folks around the neighborhood and city. There are many people to credit for this collaborative effort, including residents, business owners, the Streets Department, UC Green, and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. And the collaboration continues as nearby residents help with weeding and planting.
I hope you can make it next week. Jim Roebuck will be there, among others from the city, to celebrate this newest effort to make ours the greenest neighborhood in Philly! Best, Joe
Useful tips for downed trees
Useful recommendations from a Cedar Park block captain.
If you have trees or branches that are on power lines, please be sure you report them to PECO - 215-841-4141. The city will not touch them until the lines are removed.
If you have a tree or large branch in the front (sidewalk side) of your property that is down or damaged, odds are, the city already has it on their list but you can call 311 to make sure it is reported.
They are prioritizing all trees and branches that are blocking walkways, streets or otherwise dangling and dangerous. They are NOT allowed to touch any trees that are on live lines it¹s a safety issue and also PECO¹s responsibility. Once they clear the priority trees, they will come back and get the other branches and trees laying in the non-walkway park areas as well as anything PECO left behind after clearing the wires.
If you have trees or branches down in the back yard, this is the homeowner's responsibility. Most likely, your homeowner's policy will cover the removal. If you would like a recommendation for a tree service, Corner's Landscaping has done a lot of work on the block and comes highly recommended from UC Green. They can be reached at: 215-742-7576
Cedar Park 2010 Garden Workshop series
Join us in Cedar Park, located 49th – 50th Street on Baltimore Avenue for our Garden Workshops. Bring a picnic to enjoy in the park while learning about garden topics applicable to our area. Workshops take place next to the Playground at the 50th Street end of the Park. (In the event of rain the workshop will be rescheduled)
Caring for Young Trees
Thursday, June 24, 6:30 pm
With Sue Pringle, Executive Director, UC Green
Join us as we learn to care for the many young trees that have been planted throughout our neighborhood. Learn how to plant and care for your own. Sue Pringle, of UC Green (; 215-573-4684) will review planting and care basics to ensure the health of our expanding urban tree canopy.
Pre-register by e-mail: or by calling 267-531-4147. In case of rain the workshop will be rescheduled.
Next in our series of workshops is Pruning Basics with the UC Green Pruning Club on July 19, Fabulous Fall Containers on August 19 and Putting the Garden to Bed, on Thursday, October 7.
Sat. May 8 - "Love Your Park", Second Saturday and Spring Family Play Day
Saturday, May 8, 2010 Cedar Park will be abuzz with activity!
Green and Clean: 10am - noon Family Play Day: 1 - 3pm Craft Fair: 11am - 5pm
Green and Clean in Cedar Park Saturday, May 8th, 10am - 12 noon
Weeding, mulching & cleaning is more fun with neighbors! Come join other volunteers and help us kick-off Spring in Cedar Park. We'll spend the morning cleaning-up our beloved park together! Meet in Cedar Park at 10am. Come in gardening clothes and bring a water bottle, gloves & tools if you have them. Please RSVP to tatemch[at]aol[dot]com if you are able to join in.
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Spring Family Play Day — 1-3 pm
Also next Saturday, later in the park..... Spring Family Play Day in Cedar Park so the whole family can enjoy a day in the park, playing and helping. Meet other parents and kids in the neighborhood.
RSVP on Facebook
And don't forget Satellite Second Saturday Craft Fair in the triangle! — 11-5 pm
More info about Satellite 2nd Saturday events.