Cedar Park Jazz Series 2023

Get ready! 

THE ANNUAL CEDAR PARK JAZZ SERIES - BACK AGAIN THIS SUMMER! Join Cedar Park Neighbors on a series of Friday nights this summer from 6 to 8 PM in Cedar Park for music, dancing, and community. Celebrate West Philly's incredible musical talent with an amazing lineup: 

June 16: Ray Wright’s Jasz Lab [postponed]

June 30th: Webb Thomas SuperBand

July 7: Glenn Bryan & Friends [canceled due to weather]

July 14: Bobby Zankel & the Wonderful Sound 5 Celebrates John Coltrane (7/17/67)

July 21: The Philadelphia Clef Club

July 28: Ray Wright’s Jasz Lab (Raindate)

Bring your lawn chair, cooler, and dancing shoes!
Family-friendly event. 

Presented by Cedar Park Neighbors' Jazz Committee.


Cedar Park Neighbors thanks our wonderful local sponsors!


This will be a virtual meeting - see below for Zoom info

There are two cases on the agenda.  Both are restaurants seeking approval for outdoor seating.  This is not a zoning case, but rather this meeting is being held to notify neighbors and solicit community input.
Case #1    701 South 50th St -  Carbon Copy Brew Pub   
Carbon Copy is the new brew pub on the first floor of the Firehouse, occupying the space long held by Dock Street.  They would like to put outdoor chairs and tables along both sides of the building.
Case #2     5021 Baltimore Avenue – Bookers Restaurant  
Bookers Restaurant has had a structured “streetery” in front of their restaurant since early on in the pandemic.  The temporary licensing for those structures has expired city-wide, and Bookers would like to make theirs permanent. 
The city of Philadelphia revised its outdoor dining requirements in October 2022.  Please follow this link for a pdf with more information:


Cedar Park Neighbors is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82066874440?pwd=UDlIMzFHQVl4dWI0QS9 5S0NmeWdydz09

Meeting ID: 820 6687 4440
Passcode: 595831
One tap mobile +13092053325,,82066874440#,,,,*595831# US +13126266799,,82066874440#,,,,*595831# US (Chicago)

Cedar Park Neighbors' Holiday Basket Drive - 2022

Dear Friends and Neighbors of Cedar Park,

Since 1985, the Cedar Park Neighbors Holiday Baskets Food Drive has brought together donations and volunteers to prepare and distribute food baskets to local families in need in partnership with community and religious organizations.

The 2022 campaign is under way. You can help in two ways:

  • Donate to the fund that helps defray the costs of running the program, obtaining the food (some donated, some purchased at discount), and filling the bags that will be distributed this weekend. You can donate through this link (and also pay your annual CPN membership dues at the same time).

  • Show up this Saturday (Dec 17) at Calvary Church Community Center (48th and Baltimore)  at 2:30 p.m. to help assemble the bags of food. No special skills required: if you can tell a potato from a bag of carrots, you have all the necessary skills. In past years the assembly process has been a quick and well-organized (and fun!) community effort that truly leaves you feeling good. The whole process takes at most two hours. Chatting with neighbors while working is not only tolerated, it's encouraged.

ADDED 12/25/22:

A number of volunteers showed up and once again an enormous amount of food was quickly parceled out and handed over to other volunteers to deliver. One hundred and forty bags of food were prepared and donated to families composing about six hundred individuals.

Volunteers grouped for a picture. The bags around them are clusters destined for distribution by a particular church or organization.

The assembly line.

Cedar Park Neighbors is a federally recognized 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-exempt to the extent permitted under law.

Community Zoning Meeting - re: 5015 Cedar Ave

Community Zoning Meeting

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – 7:00 PM

This will be a virtual meeting, via Zoom – please see the link below.    

We are not holding in-person meetings at this time.  

7:00 pm – 5015 Cedar Avenue

The owners are requesting a use variance, as follows:


The site is currently in an RSA-3 District (Residential single family attached).  The property has a long history as a multi-family building, but is currently zoned single family, due to a use change made in February 2022.  The owner is seeking to turn the zoning for the building back to multi-family.



7:45 pm – General Meeting

Meeting Info:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 2751 6473
Passcode: 261856
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,81527516473#,,,,*261856# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,81527516473#,,,,*261856# US

2022 Cedar Park Jazz Series Lineup

Get ready! 

THE ANNUAL CEDAR PARK JAZZ SERIES RETURNS THIS SUMMER! Join Cedar Park Neighbors on four Friday nights this summer from 6 to 8 PM in Cedar Park for music, dancing, and community. Celebrate West Philly's incredible musical talent with an amazing lineup: 

June 3: The Dirk Quinn Band

June 24: The Philadelphia Clef Club Ensemble

July 8: Bobby Zankel and The Wonderful Warriors of Sound

July 22: Nasir Ebo and Friends

Bring your lawn chair, cooler, and dancing shoes!
Family-friendly event. 

Presented by Cedar Park Neighbors' Jazz Committee.


Cedar Park Neighbors thanks our wonderful local sponsors!

Announcing the 2022 Gary Bronson Memorial Scholarship Campaign:

Pictured above: the first group of CPN Scholarship winners in 1989. On the far right, wearing a green shirt, is Gary Bronson, who initiated the idea of an ongoing scholarship campaign.

A Challenge Match: March into May

Beginning March 30, continuing through May 31, all donations made to the fund will be doubled by a small group of long-time supporters of the fund. This will give all donors the opportunity to double your impact. 

We know many of you are disappointed that we are not holding an in-person fundraiser this spring. The uncertainties of the pandemic made it impossible to plan an in person gathering not knowing where the risk factors were going to be. It is our sincere hope that out of doors gatherings will continue, allowing the Jazz Series to return to Cedar Park, where we would hope to present the 2022-2023 awardees in July. 

In Mid-April, expanding our virtual efforts to keep you all informed on the progress of our current group of students we will be sharing video interviews with our awardees. They’ll be sharing their thoughts on why they think it’s important for neighbors to be investing in supporting the Gary S Bronson Memorial Scholarship program along with some inspirational messages aimed at other students as well as their neighbors and friends. 

Looking further ahead we would like to hold an in-person fundraiser in October 2022, conditions permitting. Look for more details in the coming months. 

How to Donate to the Scholarship Fund

To donate on-line:

Click this button:

To donate via personal check:

Make the check out to “Cedar Park Neighbors” with “Scholarships Committee” in the memo line and mail it to Cedar Park Neighbors, 4740 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143.

Apply for the Scholarship

2022-2023 Gary Bronson Memorial Scholarship

The application period for the 2022-2023 Gary Bronson Memorial scholarship awards is open!

If you are a new applicant (have never received a CPN Gary Bronson Memorial scholarship), please complete this application form. If you are a scholarship recipient applying to renew your award, please fill out this application form.

More info:

  • Please read all eligibility information and application directions carefully.

  • Applicants must live within the stated boundaries of the Cedar Park neighborhood.

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a regionally accredited post-secondary school for the fall term of 2022. This accreditation process includes schools offering trade and vocational education, community colleges, and 4-year colleges. Students enrolled in graduate programs are not eligible.

  • Applicants may be any age and may be in any year of study at an eligible school as long as they are enrolled for the fall term of 2022.

  • Applications must be received via email by June 17, 2022, 5:00 p.m. ET.

Questions? Contact the scholarship application committee at scholarships@cedarparkneighbors.org